Beowulf Canterbury Talesmr. Becker's Classroom

Technology in the Classroom. This year our English 12 class was gifted with the amazing opportunity to pilot SJHS’s vision of becoming a one-to-one school. Our students were given the responsibility and task to explore the possibilities for each device: the HP Netbooks and the Ipad.

  • 0000 Reading Diagnosis and Remediation in Classroom and Clinic, Lois A. Bader 2283 Good Tempered Food - Recipes to Love, Leave and Linger Over, Tamasin Day-Lewis 7710 Lengthen Your Life, Bruce McCann 1162 El mundo del Antiguo Testamento, White.
  • Becker's Classroom 'If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid' -Epictetus Welcome to Mr. Becker's Classroom Webpage. Welcome to my online classroom. This webpage will be updated throughout the school year to help you keep tabs on missing assignments, due dates, possible extra credit, and any other.

Unforgettable professors

The most remarkable teachers? You named a bunch of them -- more than 70.

The first day in her class, Mary White Fisher '25 told us she did not need to teach, that she was independently wealthy and that she taught literature because she loved it and loved to teach it. Secondly, she asked how many 'jocks' were in the room. About a half dozen of us held up our hands. She said jocks usually did not do well in her class and advised us to bring our drop slips up and she would sign them with no hard feelings. I was the only one who kept my seat. After class, she asked why I didn't drop. I told her I had heard she was the best literature teacher at TCU, and that I wanted to take advantage of that. She would read from her personal uncut version of the Canterbury Tales and similar ribald literature and just cackle while the coeds blushed and squirmed. The rest of us cackled right along with Mrs. Fisher. Once in her den/library, I saw a picture of her as a young woman with a Frog football player in uniform. When I asked her who the guy was, she replied, 'That was my first husband.' She went on to tell me that he and a partner (also a former frog football player) went into the oil business and apparently did quite well. She said that when her husband died, she later married his partner. With a twinkle in her eye she commented, 'You might say I married well!' I said something like, 'Why, you old fraud. You implied you didn't like athletes and you married two!' She just grinned. One evening several years later, I saw her at a restaurant. I took my wife by the hand and took her over to introduce her. Without missing a beat, Mrs. Fisher said, 'Hello, Ince. So you didn't marry the brunette after all. Good for you!' What a dame! What a professor!

Walter Ince '59

Religion professor Paul Wassenich '34 walked into the classroom with a warm smile, alert eyes, keen mind and loving heart. A committed Christian, he was open and inclusive as he energetically and wisely challenged his students to grow in their understanding of God, God's good creation, their own lives and the lives of others. As a person and a dynamic professor, he made faith compatible with reason. Paul and Ruth Wassenich have graced TCU with a wonderful legacy of love and excellence.

Max K. Jones '60

Dr. Danna Strength '59 was a fabulous mentor to me -- a wonderful role model, clinician and nursing historian. She demonstrated the highest professionalism and a real love for nursing. After I'd been an RN for a few years, I noticed a picture on my co-worker's locker of her nursing clinical group in the 1970s. I recognized Dr. Strength (a younger version) by her smile. My co-worker had her as a professor at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., 20 years before I had her at TCU.

Mihkaila Warren Wickline '96

I credit/blame Dr. Bonnie Blackwell for my choice of English as a major. She is the kind of innovative thinker everyone should want to be. Her varied and creative approaches to the subject matter in the three courses I took from her struck me with awe and a bit of healthy jealousy. Now, any time I write or say anything clever or witty, I think of her. I wonder if I'm realizing my aspiration to be half as clever as she. Dr. Blackwell helped make my academic experience at TCU unforgettable.

Amanda Hosey '03

Dr. Ben Procter, history, combined the toughness of a professional football player (which he was, for the Redskins) and the erudition of a scholar (which he was, from Harvard) to stand as a unique, outstanding educator. both intimidating and genuinely welcoming, his love for the material was matched by his relentless drive to inculcate in students the discipline to learn. Unrivaled in agreeable eccentricity and impeccable protocol of behavior, he was a true paradox: one of the few persons talented enough to be all things to all people. A giant among men.

Gregory Selber '89 (MS '97)

Dr. Ann Gossman's breathless enthusiasm in her Milton class turned me on to the greatest of English poets. Her almost girlish bearing and unassuming candor enhanced the study of rather heavy and serious poetry. Once when I complained about my lack of background in the Greek references so common in Milton, she simply thrust a copy of the Odyssey and Iliad into my hands and said, 'Read them.' On another occasion when I obeyed her command to come to her office, she rather furtively handed me a graded paper with the order, 'Don't show this to anyone. I never give A+'s.' I later learned that she did, but the experience did much to bolster my confidence. I have since taught Milton for some thirty years at Texas Tech, always in the shadow of Ann Gossman's tutelage. She was a TCU gem.

Thomas Langford '67 (PhD)

Dr. Manfred Reinecke gets my vote. He motivated me to get more out of myself in his organic chemistry course than I would've thought I had to give. No other professor at TCU or anywhere else, including a prestigious medical school (UT Southwestern), had as profound an influence on my career. I will never forget him.

Dr. Dean Fikar, '77

In Keith Odom's Science Fiction and Fantasy Lit we had to read half a dozen books. I complained that it was simply too much. Hearing that, Dr. Odom told me that what he really wanted to teach me was simple: concentration. He wanted me to learn to focus, to put away the worries of the day and for an hour or two truly pay attention to what I might be reading or doing. I remember his words. 'If you practice concentrating on a particular task each day and make it habit, not only will it get easier, but it will change your life for years to come, no matter what you do.' Now, here I am a decade and a half later, still practicing, still clinging to that wonderful habit. Dr. Odom was right. It changed my life. And as long as what he gave me remains with me, then in a real way Dr. Odom, who died a couple years back, remains alive.

David Alan Hall '87
Ojai, Calif.

After enduring four years of boring high school history and hating every minute, I found Dr. Nevin Neal excited about his subject. I can still remember his drumming out the beat of 'Congo' on the table with his hand and asking me if I could 'scatter a couple of dates' in my blue books on tests. He was truly a dedicated teacher!

Susan Jones King '65

Mrs. Janet Murphy taught archery and would occasionally move her class away from the target range to an open area near Sadler hall. One exercise she used was to have the students shoot their arrows high up into the air in an effort to hit a target, which was flat on the ground. One afternoon several arrows strayed from their target and hit the building. As the students were gathering their spent arrows a white flag appeared from a window in the building. Janet Murphy led the first successful siege on Sadler Hall Dr.

Sarah Bickel '72 (MEd '75)
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
Northern Arizona University

J. Willard Ridings, professor of journalism, was fantastic! He expected the best of all his students in their preparation for the field of communications. He demanded excellence and respect. My respect for and gratitude to him for those aspects remain in any writing or publications endeavors in which I am involved.

Lois Jeane Cayce Davis '43

In the 1950s, Dr. Warren Agee presided over TCU's tiny Journalism Department, which was housed in a delapidated firetrap (a post-war 'temporary' structure) fondly known just as 'Building 5.' J-students were a rowdy, messy and not always respectful bunch; I'm sure there were times when Doc Agee would gladly have kicked all of us out the door. Instead, as he guided our studies and our work on The Skiff and Horned Frog, he quietly, patiently taught us the importance of accurate reporting, objectivity, and clear, fresh writing. When you turned in a story or a term theme he liked, he never failed to let you know why he liked it. When you blundered, he showed you exactly where you'd gone wrong and how to fix the problem. Largely thanks to him, The Skiff won 'All America' student newspaper honors year after year. I don't know where Dr. Agee is now, but I hope he knows how much his teaching meant to us.

Jim Hendricks '57

Miss Kitty Wingo, a lithe, tiny bird of a woman, was as passionate a holdout for appropriate and gracious ballroom etiquette as she was for getting the steps right -- and in 1968, all that was pretty irrelevant to most. Our class met in the old gym and was a kick. When she died several years ago, I attended her funeral and was so glad to learn more about her remarkable life. Dr. John Bohon was the quintessential professor -- forever pacing, lecturing without notes, lurching into the classroom in disheveled clothes, wild hair flying, making quick, illegible scribbles on the blackboard, naming key players in ancient, obscure Chinese dynasties. The crazy inventor in Back to the Future reminds me of Dr. Bohon. I loved his style and intellect. If he's still teaching, he has some very fortunate students.

Jim Stuart '71

Professor Bob Frye loved sharing his knowledge and passion of great literary works, such as Canterbury Tales and Beowulf, with TCU students. But I will always remember him as the man who caught the infamous Reed Hall Flasher. Most of the class was outside enjoying the warm sunshine during a mid-day break of the 3-week mini-term, when a clean-cut older gentleman jogged through the courtyard. All of a sudden, Professor Frye bolted out of Reed Hall yelling 'STOP THAT MAN!' At first, it appeared to be a couple of professors enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of summer school, but we immediately realized that Professor Frye was serious. The Reed Hall Flasher was quickly apprehended in Sadler Hall and we all returned to class with a fairly frazzled professor. The next day, Professor Frye relieved the final exam stress by retelling the excitement of the previous day from his perspective in true Old-English style. I will never forget his original short-story 'The Adventures of Beo-Bob!'

Amy Weigle Dybala '96

Clearly my most memorable professor was Dr. Allen Self, TCU professor and successful business consultant. Not only was I one of his students, but I had the good fortune of serving as a graduate assistant for him while I was in the TCU MBA program. While I was his graduate assistant, Dr. Self took me to Austin for a hearing on a bank charter application we worked on, had me to his home for dinner, served as a reference on my first job applications and provided career advice. Giving me the opportunity to serve as his graduate assistant enhanced my resume in securing my first job with First City Bancorporation, where I spent 20 years. He has also offered advice and encouragement during my 30 year banking and finance career.Allen was and is a great mentor, advisor and supporter.This past April when I visited the campus to speak to the MBA students, he even made a special trip to the campus to visit me.

F. T. (Chip) Webster '70 (MBA '72)

Dr. Eula Lee Carter, my mentor and most memorable professor, was an excellent Spanish teacher of mine during my undergraduate days at TCU. She received an honorary doctorate the same year that our son, Allan Akins, graduated from TCU. Dr. Carter was the one who initiated me into Delta Kappa Gamma (key women educators) in 1963 and later helped me to apply for a DKG international scholarship, enabling me to earn a doctorate. Later, she invited me to accompany her to Mexico City to establish DKG chapters and the state organization of Mexico, DF, as well.

Dolores Akins '54 (MA '65)

I had education classes with Dr. Sandy Wall from 1951-1953. He was always kind and interesting, and he inspired me to be a good teacher. I also was advised by history professor John Hammond. His lectures were like sitting at the feet of the master. Since I got my MA in history, he directed my thesis and my oral exam. He encouraged me and made me feel at ease. His wisdom was incredible.

Dorothy Lane Niesen (MA '53)
Fort Worth

In the fall of 1956, spring of 1957 and fall of 1957, I was privileged to have as my English instructor Dr. Lyle Kendall. At the time, and I assume even today, when a prof was late 10 minutes or more to class, we could 'take a walk.' Dr. Kendall had it down to a science: he was exactly 9 minutes late every day of class. As freshmen, of course, we would not have had the nerve to ask why; we left that to the sophomores. In the fall of 1957, in English Lit class, one older student (he must have been as old as Dr. Kendall) had the nerve to ask him why he was always late to class. Dr. Kendall smiled his crooked smile and said, 'I was TDY at the Naval Academy, and I always had to be at the door, saluting each midshipman as he came in. I vowed when I finished my duty as a naval officer I would never be on time to anything again. I have not broken that vow.'

Sandra O'Donnell Perry '60
Fort Worth

My most unforgettable professors were Dr. Tommy Thomason and Dr. Anantha Babbili. Anantha was so caring and intelligent. Tommy was funny but serious. He would tell a joke, but look serious. These men were influential to me. These are very educated and dedicated professors. The best ever! Journalism rocks!

Sonya Arvie '91
Fort Worth

Professor J. Willard Ridings provided such an excellent background, as did Dr. Rebecca Smith, that I went on to teach high school journalism in the Washington, D.C. area and later here in Colorado Springs. I still hear from two of the 'girls' who are now teachers in California. Dr. Smith's course in American Lit was better than a guidebook when visiting New England.

Mary Louise Jordan Caudill '43
Colorado Springs, Colo.

I graduated from TCU in 1949 with a major in Home Economics and a minor in English. All my teachers were excellent. I particularly remember Dr. Bonnie Enlow, my Home Ec teacher. She was a very professional, wonderful teacher and friend. She went beyond my TCU years. I was given a teaching assignment that needed a course of study. Dr. Enlow helped me plan the complete course. That was beyond the call of duty. Thank God for Dr. Enlow and for TCU.

Nellie M. Martin Churchill '49

I recall that when I chose English history as my doctorate major, my graduate student colleagues in history were stunned. They tried to talk me out of the decision because Dr. Marguerite Potter, professor of history and department chair, was notoriously hard. Usually, only female graduate students chose her. She did indeed live up to her reputation, and I was severely challenged by her overwhelming assignments. But we eventually grew close, and she was very proud to have me as a student. She influenced the TCU Press to publish my dissertation in 1975, the first time for a graduate. My wife Judi was her secretary, and we loved her. She was a TCU institution for decades.

Dr. Ted Jamison (Ph.D. '72)
St. Joseph, Mo.

Dr. Stan Block and Dr. Jane M were both extremely demanding in class and relentless in their pursuits of perfection. But after class, and for the last several years, they have been incredible mentors and now important friends to me.

Cathy Neece '94
Fort Worth

Mr. Farrar, who I had for Intro to Religion and the second religion course. He introduced me to the feminist movement by reading The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan in class. He is tied with Mr. Emmett Smith, who normally taught organ. He taught Music Appreciation during he summer of 1970. He had the whole class over to his home for brunch on the day of our final exam. We had an oral exam after we had brunch. The class was very enjoyable and the exam was the most fun one I've ever taken.

Susan Bond Butsch '71

J. Willard Ridings, professor of journalism, was fantastic! He expected the best of all his students in their preparation for the field of communications. He demanded excellence and respect. My respect for and gratitude to him for those aspects remain in any writing or publications endeavors in which I am involved.

Lois Jeane Cayce Davis '43
San Antonio

Dr. W.C. Nunn arrived to his history classes with a stack of books and an air of excitement and enthusiasm. He gave writing assignments, which allowed for creativity and imagination from his students. He encouraged those of us who thought we could write. He submitted one of my papers for publication in a scholarly journal, and it became my first published article (other than student newspaper stories). My Master's thesis for him became a published book. Stated simply: I owe my academic writing career (5 books) to him. Thanks Dr. Nunn!

J'Nell Rogers Pate '60 (MA '64)

Three unforgettable professors come to mind. Andrew Haskett for allowing me to be his TA in TV I, and for remembering me on sight ten years after graduation; Donald Jackson for the best course -- Constitutional Convention; and Anantha Babbili for letting me sign his name better than he did, and the gazillion tests I copied for his classes! Thanks for the memories.

Pamela Horton Hathaway '89
Collierville, Tenn.

My most unforgettable professor at TCU was Dr. Winesanker, who taught music history. He gave 'long lectures and impossible tests.' During his lectures, I was busy taking notes as fast as I could. To pass the tests, you had to memorize all the notes. I spent many hours in the library, memorizing notes for each test! Fortunately, I made an A in the course.

Marian Armstrong McElroy '54

Dr. George Fowler was 'the teacher' personified. He was knowledgeable, creative and a great motivator of students. His students respected him so much that we tried to meet his goals for us. One dared not walk into his classes unprepared or late. Yet, he cared for his students and always exhibited that 'class' that is a part of TCU and its graduates.

Dr. Mozelle Carver '65 (MA '69)
Raleigh, N.C.

I knew I had to have a religion class in order to graduate from TCU. I found a Religion and Art class, and thought it might be tolerable. My first day, this tall red haired man opened his class slowly, picking up momentum until his climbed on top of his desk in a pivotal emphatic moment, then jumped off to further accentuate his point. This wild man, Dr. Kenneth Lawrence, had captivated my attention and interest. It became only the first of many classes I took from him and the beginning of a lasting friendship. I hold him personally responsible for my love relationship with TCU!

Kathy Meredith McCaig '87

There were two incontrovertible choices for my unforgettable professors. Lorraine Sherley, whose Interrelation of the Arts class kept me up all night simply because I was too excited over what I was learning from her to sleep. Betsy Colquitt -- I memorized the sound of her mellifluous voice, the tilt of her head, her kindness, her fascinating and open home, her miniscule handwriting that once, on a paper, read, 'You write well. Have you thought of majoring in English?' The next day I changed majors.

Jane Humphrey Henegar '66
Lookout Mountain, Ga.

Dr. Henry Hardt, professor of Chemistry, exemplified the finest Christian spirit as a man and a teacher. He considered his students worthy of his time and effort. I am an example of many students who went far beyond freshman chemistry. Dr. Hardt deserves much of the credit.

Dr. Danny L. Stephenson '59 (MA '60)
Spartanburg, S.C.

Dr. David Dinkins, professor of English -- his teaching of great works of literature was inspired! Many of us (including me) were WWII veterans attending TCU under the GI Bill of Rights. I remember his once making a reference to 'the incomparable Miss Mae West,' an allusion most of us veterans understood, but many of the younger students didn't. He had a dry sense of humor and a vast store of knowledge.

Louise A. Daniels '52
New York, N.Y.

For three years, I worked for Eula Lee Carter. She was my mentor and my employer. She always kept in touch. But we were so blessed by also having Rebecca W. Smith, Mabel Major and Elizabeth Shelburne.

Adale Reiger Thieme '41

Dr. Hammond, history, was a very knowledgeable, compassionate man -- like sitting at the feet of the master teacher. He directed my thesis. I learned more from Dr. Sandy Wall than from any of my previous education teachers. His instructions definitely improved my ability to be a better high school teacher in Fort Worth.

Dorothy Lane Niesen (MA '53)
Fort Worth

Dr. Willis Hewitt, a scientist with cultural and liberal arts interest. Dr. Hewitt's educational and personal relationship is memorable. Dr. Dan Jarvis was also and outstanding educator. Both were in the geology department. Dr. Newton Gaines, of the physics department was also a good friend.

Kindel McNeill '57

A.T. DeGroot, professor of church history at Brite Divinity School was a hoot. He kept us laughing and made learning any history exciting. Even his exams were fun.

Emil Bunjes '58

Beowulf Canterbury Tales Mr. Becker's Classroom Login

My most unforgettable professor was Dr. Landon Colquitt. Dr. Colquitt was the best professor I ever had the privilege of studying under and always gave more than 100% to his students. For example, we had a big exam the week after Thanksgiving and he gave up one of the holiday evenings for a study session. We were his priority, even going so far as to refuse Dr. Moudy's phone calls if a student was in his office. And the way he tied a literary quote in with Calculus was just amazing! Those quotes, and how he got from them to the math, made for an interesting start to every class. Dr. Colquitt was an excellent teacher and mentor to all of us that knew him. I only wish I had told him.

Bobette (Binkley) Bisbee '76

Rob Rhodes has to be the most unforgettable professor I've ever had the pleasure of hearing lecture. His practical knowledge and experience with the law is tremendous, but what is most impressive is his teaching method. Never one to lecture from bell to bell; instead hearty dialogue was more than encouraged - it was required. Each student was allowed one 'pass' - the option to pass on a required recital of the facts of our case homework. I think that option was only exercised once in an MBA program of working professionals. In addition to his teaching prowess, Dr. Rhodes is an accomplished musician and fan of wine from around the globe. One of the greatest differences between my undergraduate and graduate experiences was that of professor quality - there was no doubt that the bar had been raised. The Neely School has a very talented group of professors, and Dr. Rob Rhodes is one of the finest - and my most unforgettable.

Matt Snow '03
Fort Worth

Robert Rhodes -- Bus. Law Prof. I remember my business law class like it was yesterday. Professor Rhodes found a way to make Law interesting, even though the class was at 9am and no one was awake yet. He was known for his loud lecture voice that could be heard in the adjacent rooms. Mr. Rhodes only required his students to take detailed notes and read the case study before class. I liked his style of teaching because you had to be involved in the discussion. There was no way you could fall asleep like other professors. My favorite class days happened to be when he called class off because his voice was hoarse. I remember two times he allowed me to dismiss class; my classmates loved me for that.

Matthew J. Locke '01 (MBA)

Don Gillis was director of the TCU Swing Band. He taught instrument technique and a class in classical music, playing wonderful records. Paul Dinkins was an excellent English teacher. I had him in freshman English. Claude Sammis was director of TCU's music department and an excellent teacher.

Elizabeth Baldwin Neel '42
Port Arthur

Dr. Robert Doran's honors calculus was my best class at TCU! He made mathematics a beautiful and powerful discipline, not just rote drudgery. He always had a 'thought for the day' on the board, and I still have my notebook full of them.

Ava Jade Smith '97

Dr. Doug Newsom lectured but was always available, especially during lab time. She critiqued but you always felt good about your efforts. I later taught for her at TCU and found her supportive and encouraging. She always freelanced, and I found her an inspiration. Dr. Newsom led by example. She always had a positive thought and an encouraging word. I have always admired and respected her.

Barbara Allen Winkle '71
Fort Worth

Dr. Janet Kelly Watkins was an unforgettable professor. I try to treat my students the way she treated me -- with compassion and humor while maintaining high expectations. She has been a wonderful and supportive mentor, even in the years since I graduated from TCU.

Heather Hay (M.Ed. '96)
Topeka, Kan.

'Mr. Hogan,' as he insisted on being called, was a very stern-appearing gentleman with a very kind heart. Although he was afflicted with a lower cervical poliomyelitis affecting upper arm strength with lower extremity paresis, he would refuse any physical assistance. He guided, pushed and pulled many of our small group of advanced chemistry students through several years of organic chemistry. We even had to take our final exam at his house because 'There is no way you young ladies and gentlemen can finish these exams in three hours.' He, more than anyone else, taught me good study habits that helped me through medical school.

Dr. Bill Head '49
Fort Worth

I have two favorites: Dr. Dominiak and Dr. Richard Galvin. I loved the way Dr. Dominiak took off points for spelling on her Intermediate Accounting tests. I learned a lot from Dr. Galvin during his 'office hours' and appreciated the fact that he could really play rock and roll!

Barrie Schamadan Petty '88
Scottsdale, Ariz.

Back in the late 40s, TCU had a very small art department, but Professor Sam Ziegler was an outstanding inspiration to all his students. His patience to work with students helped them to work at the top level of their ability. Professor Ziegler's dedication to art inspired me to help organize Bartlesville, Okla.'s first art association, and it just celebrated its 50th year!

Jimmie Wilson Schmoldt '48
Bartlesville, Okla.

Mr. Frank W. Hogan, organic chemistry teacher. He was very proud of the fact that organic was a make or break subject for getting one in professional school. The man was phenomenal, so handicapped as he was. Knowing that his subject was so essential, I was shocked after the first test. I only made a 75, which disappointed me. I went in to see him after the test to get help. He was so willing to tell me what was important in his tests. After our conference, I made two B's for the course -- learning how to study for organic.

Glyn Spearman '54
Fort Worth

Dr. John W. Stewart, professor of Old Testament at Brite College of the Bible. Had it not been for this fine gentleman, I would probably not have continued my BD. But with his encouragement, inspiration and his faith in me, I graduated with a BD degree and for the next 38 years I was a United Methodist minister. I will always be grateful to Dr. John W. Stewart, for it was him who inspired me.

Julian W. Scott '60
Pine Bluff, N.C.

Dr. Thomas Smith was the reason I minored in Latin American studies. Always fascinated with South America, Dr. Smith's knowledge and real life adventures on the continent are beyond belief. Dr. Smith, a medical doctor who realized that having his M.D. wasn't enough, also has sought a Ph.D. He is a remarkable man and a great educator. His most amazing story was when he was in Chile and witnessed a mass riot. As he tried to take photos, soldiers thought differently and tried to 'rough him up.' He made it safely. Dr. Smith is the textbook definition of a 'self-made' man.

Jeff Roberts '00

Dr. Sally Fortenberry gave me confidence, knowledge and always challenged me to my greatest potential. I feel lucky to have had an instructor who kept classes riveting, exams fun and my time at TCU very enjoyable. I wouldn't be the merchandising manager for Sergio Valente without her. Thanks Dr. Fortenberry!

Michelle Dolbec '96
Seattle, Wash.

One of the two most influencial professors I had at TCU was Louis Ramsey of the Mathematics Department. I suspect that most of his students did not like Mr. Ramsey, but he had a genuine love of theoretical mathematics which he was able to pass on to me, so that I was able to go through graduate school without ever apologizing from being from TCU. When he had given us a proof that pleased him, he would give a peculiar laugh that could be heard over most of the barracks that mathematics was housed in during those days. Those of us who liked him tried to imitate Ramsey's laugh when he wasn't around, of course. Mr. Ramsey's hobby was reptiles, and he was president of the Texas Herpetological Society. My favorite memory of him is of a trip to Houston in November 1950. I was going to the Rice-TCU football game. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey were going to a meeting of the Herpetological Society. I rode in the back seat of their car with a few snakes and lizards that were also going to the meeting. The Ramseys, the reptiles, and I had a wonderful trip.

Theron Oxley '51
N. Fort Meyers, Fla.

Those were long nights, studying physics and math at TCU. (What possessed me? If I had to do it now to save my life, I couldn't). But how to convince your professor that you really did give it your best effort? Dr. Blount had his own ways of finding out. He would come upstairs late in the evenings, from his research in the basement of the building, to see who was there studying his course material. Not once, but twice that semester (thus my good grade) he found me slumped over my physics text, probably drooling on it to boot. Then, at the end of the course, he asked for our textbooks. We were understandably reluctant, (as they had cost over $70, a fortune at the time) but handed them over. Dr. Blount promptly turned each on its various sides, inspecting the condition of the pages' bottoms, sides and tops to see how many times the pages had been studiously flipped; he looked at the dirtiness of them, to see how far into the text we had actually read; and when the spine of one book actually cracked upon inspection (the student had never studied at all), a very grave look came over the professor's face (needless to say, the kid didn't get a very good grade). Dr. Blount made it his business to ferret out your study habits and your commitment to the work; I smile about it even to this day -- as I check the edges of my son's textbooks.

April Markgarf

My favorite teacher had to be Sanoa Hensley. She was hard, but fair. The main reason that I decided to be an accounting major was because she told me that I couldn't be an accountant. My how things work when someone tells you that you cant do something. She lit a fire that I have kept burning ever since. I thank her every time that I see her.

Kirk Coleman '95

Dr. John (Jack) Carroll, professor of history was a Pulitzer Prize winner. You can look him up in World Book. He shared volumes of information about: baseball, railroads, the American West, presidents, facts, figures, current events, the list is too extensive for this article. He could lecture on any subject. He could really motivate a student. He possessed a brilliant mind, provided great classroom delivery, he was very humorous (a little ribald), could mesmerize a class, and he was dressed to kill. In two semesters he never wore the same outfit twice. Usually it was a three piece outfit that was anything from a custom-made suit, to a tux, or something else that was equally remarkable. Hats and brief cases were part of the outfits too. He drove a red convertible. His tattoos were everywhere except the face and hands. 'They don't make them like him anymore.'

Glenn Gillaspy, BBA '75

Most of my classmates were born around the time I graduated from high school and Dr. Barcellona, our fearless anatomy & physiology prof, was fond of pointing that out. One day during a lecture while I was in my usual mode of head down, scrambling to write down every bit of information he was quickly imparting into our overloaded brains. He was lecturing on vaccinations and he asked how many of us had measles as a child. I raised my left hand while still looking down at my notes. The next thing I heard him say (with a smile) was something to the effect of 'Most of you had the vaccine to prevent this, you can identify as person's age by asking if they have had measles. Only the older people in the class will have their hands up' I raised my head to discover that I was the only one with my hand up. Of course Dr. B & I were probably pretty close to the same age, he just looks a lot older. Love ya Dr B!

Becky Gray Kinch RN BSN '96

I remember Mr. Hogan, professor of organic chemistry. Mr. Hogan had polio in his early years and thus to write on the blackboard he used his left hand to lift his right hand to a position where he could write out those diabolical home work assignments. Mr. Hogan made out his own tests, never gave the same test twice, and graded his own papers. He was tough but if you passed his class you knew some organic chemistry. He was proud of saying ' You will never find anything unless you are looking for something'. He was the most influential professor in my life.

William Harvey Keyes '50
Trophy Club

My major professor in TCU grad school was Sandy Wall, Ph.D. He had been diagnosed with severe epilepsy and at the start of each semester would carefully explain his problem to each class. He requested that the students respond in certain specific ways to assist him if he had a seizure during a class. Then nothing more was said about his condition as he proceeded to train us with great courage, skill and dedication to become Texas high school teachers. Dr. Wall fortunately never had any emergencies in any of my classes as he taught with dignity and distinction. I learned many more practical lessons from Sandy Wall than just secondary education methods and techniques -- in particular about encountering life with courage and composure in the face of adversity!

James Bond Johnson, Ph.D. 1948
Long Beach, Calif.

As a TCU freshman in 1972-1973 I took Dr. Ron Flowers' Introductory Religion class. Having been raised in a conservative Texas household where religion and faith were serious matters limited to the Christian tradition, the opportunity to learn about other religions was exciting and invaluable. In light of recent current events, the 9-11 terrorist attacks and the continued violence in the Middle East, I am frequently reminded of this first religion class. The lessons learned there seem particularly relevant today. Later in my TCU experience I took his course Sects and Cults in American Religion. I admit that my decision to take this class was not only due to the subject matter but also due to the fact that he would be teaching it. Through the years I have continued to explore other religions and philosophies on my own. Although over the years I have moved away from the formal, organized religion of my youth, I believe that I have become a more spiritual being. You made my TCU education more than just academic preparation for a job but a true learning experience. I just wanted him to know how much I appreciate his contribution to my life. Thanks.

Carol Sartor Mannard '75
Cedar Creek, Texas

May I simply nominate an entire department? The TCU Math Department from 1973-1977 consisted of remarkable teachers. They encouraged us to pursue non-academic dreams. Dr. Colquitt played in the TCU orchestra. Dr. Goldbeck painted. Dr. Addis taught tennis. They opened their homes and lives to us undergraduates. Dr. Addis showed us the best ice cream places in Fort Worth. We made our annual trek to Dr. Colquitt's lake house for barbecue. Mrs. Goldbeck made lunches for several of us and invited us to dinner at their house. The Colquitts' door was always open. These were accessible people. Office hours? Whenever we needed them. Janet Lysaght, Fred and Mary Reagor, Ron Morgan, Dr. Dieter, Dr. Doran, Dr. Belfi, Dr. Combrink, Dave Addis, Ben Goldbeck, Landon Colquitt, and others, they played bridge with us in the Math 'Commons' and talked about theorems over cups of coffee. Free cups of coffee. We undergrads kept our mugs in the same cabinet with those of the professors we loved. We were always welcome in their world, always part of that extended family. Two things stand out in my mind, no, three. First, Dr. Addis' acceptance of me as a full-fledged member of his team when he was greenlighted to develop a self-paced calculus course. I was a mere sophomore, but my input felt crucial to his planning and course design. He taught me how to write tests, good tests, and turned me loose on students, teaching, coaching, encouraging. I had no better mentor. Second, Dr. Dieter's convincing me to stay at TCU when I felt most alone. My freshman year was tough. All my high school friends had gone elsewhere, and I cherished those people. I was feeling rather glum around Thanksgiving, but ran into Dr. Dieter at the mall. 'I really hope you come back next semester, Denise,' he said, and I believed he meant it. 'You make a difference in our department.' I've never regretted 'coming back.' And finally, Dr. Colquitt just taught us gobs about life. He was one of the most brilliant people I've ever known. An intellectual giant, he never promoted himself, never sought the spotlight. He insisted on teaching introductory math courses alongside graduate math. I think he got goosebumps when a non-mathie fell in love with the wonders of our abstract world. Using math, he taught us to think well outside our comfortable boxes. A corollary could turn into a debate on current events. He held us to high standards in the logic we employed to reach our conclusions. We learned how to 'take tests.' I'll never forget his words, as they've stood me well in business and writing. He gave open book tests, because he said that in real life, we would have access to information and he preferred that we learn how to use those resources. And he said: Always do the things you know first. Leave the hard things for last when your mind has warmed up. If you think something is unfair, tell me, because it may in fact be so. It is a good thing to ask questions. A very good thing indeed. What a wonderful place to get an education!

Denise Heap

My most unforgettable professor during my four years at TCU was Dr. Louise Cowan. I had many others who were excellent, but she had 'something extra' which brought her to the top of my list. In the fall of 1953, I was assigned to one English professor...but who showed up?...Dr. Louise Cowan! It was her first year on the faculty at TCU. She immediately took charge of our class with her special flair. You knew who was in charge, but she made you feel important even as a student. Dr. Cowan made English 'live' for her students who were willing to study. She was also a compassionate counselor. I spent many hours in her office, by choice, just talking with her about life. What a great listener as well as advisor! Dr. Cowan was my English professor for both of my freshman classes as well as half of my sophomore classes. However, the best time I spent under her tutelage was in a special class called 'Creative Writing.' I certainly did not excel in this class, but she took the time to teach me much that I shall never forget. She taught me to enjoy writing as well as to appreciate good writing. In my opinion, Dr. Louise Cowan deserves to be honored for her excellence in teaching!

Laura Lisle Sanner '57

Dr. Manfred Reinecke gets my vote. He motivated me to get more out of myself in his organic chemistry course than I would've thought I had to give. No other professor at TCU or anywhere else, including a prestigious medical school (UT Southwestern), had as profound an influence on my career. I will never forget him.

Dean Fikar, M.D. '77

One of the most difficult classes I took as a chemistry major was organic chemistry in my sophomore year. Dr. Reinecke routinely gave 'pop quizzes' and these quizzes might be given at any time during the class period. We students used to look to see if he was carrying a stack of papers when he came to class as a lack of papers in hand would let us all relax and stop our surreptitious cramming! Of course, Dr. Reinecke was aware of this and would sometimes carry a stack of unrelated papers just to torment us. One day, Dr. Reinecke appeared in class with nothing in his hands, to the relief of all, and proceeded to lecture. Midway through the class period, Dr. Reinecke went over to the projector screen and pulled it down - out fell a stack of pop quizzes that he had hidden! It truly was a memorable moment and, looking back, a hilarious moment. We spent the rest of the year trying to pull some pranks to even the score, but really could never even come close to the impact of that sneaky move!. Thanks Dr. Reinecke - for the education and the fun!

Christine Miller '77
Campbell, Calif.

During my time at TCU ('75-78), I remember my chief professor, William (Bill) Ray. Dr Ray was the head of the Urban Studies Department. He was more than a professor or teacher for me. He was my mentor. I can remember many days spent in his office attempting to gain some direction; not only in my major (Urban Studies) but my life. He took the time to guide me in my studies as well as listening to my sometimes histrionic ramblings (ha!) He had get togethers at his house as well as other outings with classes which gave us a 'real world' view a career in Urban Affairs. Sometimes a college student needs not only a professor, but a 'father!' Bill Ray is such a man. Thanks Dr. Ray!

James D. Rhodes '78
Camp Verde

My most memorable professor was 'Mrs. Paris' -- my French teacher in the fall of 1973. I don't remember her first name but she was one of those professors who was special. As a freshman speech pathology major, I had the choice to take math or a language. Well, not being very skilled in math, I chose a language; however, I had not taken Spanish my senior year in high school and was worried about taking it again in college - thought I might have forgotten it! So, I registered for French 1. Little did I realize that college French I is comparable to high school French II or III! I struggled along and was borderline passing when finals started. The night before the test, I studied forever and went to sleep about 4 a.m. The exam started at 8 so I set my alarm for 7:30. I didn't wake up until 9:15 or so!! I raced to the classroom where everyone was deep into the test. Mrs. Paris pulled me aside, took me to her office, brought me coffee and donuts, and told me not to worry - take my time. The exam was not terribly hard and I passed the class. I was very thankful to have had such a warm, caring professor who came to my aid when she just as easily could have said 'You have 45 minutes to finish the test'. That was what was so wonderful about TCU -- caring professors! Thanks!

Becky Clem '77
Fort Worth

Dr. Bob Neilson, chair of TCU's department of chemistry, stands out as one of my most memorable professors. Receiving a low grade on my initial freshman chemistry exam, Dr. Neilson branded the top of my test with the word 'THINK' in red, capitalized letters. Initially rebuffed by a seemingly arrogant professor, I thought to myself, 'this was my first college exam (I studied) did he really believe I wasn't THINKING when I took his exam?' After a day or two to fume, I was ready to accept my professor's academic challenge. Attending additional review sessions and spending extra time in the library, I studied hard and eventually earned an A in Dr. Neilson's class. When I received my final exam back, I read the following set of encouraging words written, appropriately, in red ink: 'I THINK you have learned to THINK in my class. What do you THINK about becoming a chemistry major? I THINK you should.' This reminiscent note on my final marked the end of my quest to succeed during my first semester at TCU. All of my science professors, including Dr. Neilson, had high expectations that helped propel me to earn two bachelor degrees (one in Chemistry of course) in four years. Thank you Dr. Neilson.

Ben Wilkinson '00
Fort Worth

Dr. Charles Becker: Izod sweater, hush puppy shoes, sarcastic wit. He loved the Cleveland Browns, envelope curve and teaching at TCU

John Sherwood '81

Dr. Walton H. Rothrock, fondly called 'Rocky' when students were alone was my most memorable, as well as favorite professor. Dr. Rothrock made French classics come to life. He was so animated and enthusiastic. He always dressed in a suit, which often ended up covered in chalk. I can still visualize his expressions and animated hand movements. I was a French major, and he made so many of my courses a joy to take! I will never forget him!

Carol Bond Baulch '73
Fort Worth

Dr. John Freeman helped give me confidence in my writing and other areas. Today, my writing helps pay my bills! Rest in peace, Dr. Freeman.

Chris Martin '91

Professor Newton Gaines -- lovable, laughable, great sense of humor. He loved physics and knew it well. He liked music, especially country. Sometimes, he didn't teach, just brought to class an old guitar and played and sang cowboy songs. It's said he wrote a book on old cowboy ballads and it is in the TCU library. I would love to see it.

Ray Langlois '47-'48
Culver City, Calif.

At Brite, I was required to take Hebrew or Greek. I decided I would have to go for Greek, because it was all Greek to me. Fortunately for me (and several others), Dr. Jack Suggs took us by the hand and led us gently through nine months of Greek. I am especially proud of the grade of A for both semesters, thanks to a wonderful man and professor!

Jerry Buffington '60
Tahlequah, Okla.

I'll never forget Dr. Edens' New Testament Literature class. When he began his lecture about the virgin conception of Mary, he started out with, 'Now girls, imagine you are a virginÉ'


Debbi Alexander Schneider '79

Dr. W.J. Hammond spiced up his Indian History course with tales of his summers in the mountains of Mexico living with primitive Indian tribes. His stories about sitting around the campfire, dining on dog meat and grasshoppers, although less than appetizing, were unforgettable. In addition to his distinctive first-hand knowledge of his subject, Dr. Hammond was the only TCU professor to ever serve as mayor of Fort Worth. Elected in 1937, he resigned abruptly in May of 1938. I always wondered if it was to enable him to summer with the Indians.

Dick Ramsey '52 Azle

I could name many, but perhaps the most memorable was Professor Harry C. Munro. He seemed to understand our personal situation and gave us support in our efforts to relate to our congregation. He also related to the other students in many ways. He helped me get a 'coffee co-op' going. We started our own coffee shop, so to speak. We purchased coffee, donuts, etc. and paid back the fifty cents the students had contributed to get us started. One quirk or Prof. Munro: He often spoke of the value of dialogue in the learning process, as he 'lectured' to us.

Harsh Brown '54
Columbia, Mo.

Dr. Glenn Route and Dr. Al DeGroot were both exciting lecturers. Dr. Route helped me through the 'Death of God' controversy, and opened up the Bible as no other person had done. Dr. DeGroot said in class one day, 'How many people across the street even care about this concept?' He kept our minds open to the reality of what the local church needs and concerns were all about.

Joanne Miller Taylor (MRE '70)

Dr. Murray Rohman in the school of business was tough but fair to all. He knew his subject matter inside out and then some. He was a natty dresser who liked silk suits and New York City. Also, Dr. Marguerite Potter from the department of history was brilliant, inspiring, and totally dedicated to her profession.

J. Scott Pyles '60
North Martinsville, W.Va.

Ruth Speery, RN, MSN was a nursing professor. She was knowledgeable, compassionate and supportive. She combined the science and the art of nursing practice to serve as a top role model for generations of nursing students at Harris School of Nursing.

Beowulf Canterbury Tales Mr. Becker's Classroom Guide

Col. Nancy Johnson Caldwell '76
Blanchardville, Wis.

Beowulf Canterbury Tales Mr. Becker's Classroom Theme


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