Week 10 Reflectionguided Reading 101

Today is our Sixth Tuesday together and that means it is time for another musical selection. I truly believe Tuesdays are my favorite day for our writer's notebooks. Each Tuesday I present a piece.


Hi all,

  • Attached is an order form, due back by Nov. Habit 3 – The following students have PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST and were recognized as ERQ Leaders of the Week: Lilly Weibel, Brianna Mena, & Jeremiah Wafford. This week’s Paw on the Back goes to Ms. Stephanie Phelps for educating colleagues on time-consuming technology for the classroom.
  • English 101- ePortfolio: Final Reflection. Documented Essay. Final Reflection Throughout this foundation of writing class this semester I experienced many new ways to write different types of essays. Each essay took time, effort, and several ideas to make a master piece. I learned several skills and techniques this semester to.
  • Bring a piece of writing to class, that conveys a voice that you find effective, unique, convincing, and/or powerful, to analyze in class – preferably a print copy to annotate in class, but it can also be an electronic copy you access from your laptop, tablet, etc. The text you bring to class can be an article, story, essay, blog entry, editorial, etc., and it can be any length.

Week 10 Reflectionguided Reading 101 Reading

Many of you have likely heard that cases of the virus are growing rapidly and people are discussing various kinds of closures including the possibility that the school system will close again. I know that many of you are greatly impacted by these measures because they affect your jobs and your family members.

Onregelmatige werkwoordencollege st. paul. St Peter and St Paul's Church is in Gisburn Road, Bolton-by-Bowland, Lancashire, England. It is an active Anglican parish church in the deanery of Whalley, the archdeaconry of Blackburn, and the Diocese of Blackburn. Its benefice is united with that of St. Home Teachers Page WRTS Niveau Grammatica Thema's Oefenexamens video lessen Enquete leesvaardigheid Stripverhaal maken! Speciaal voor de studenten van College St. Paul is er een WRTS pagina aangemaakt waarop een hoop woordenlijsten al klaar staan. Hier kom je door op het plaatje hiernaast te klikken. Hiermee kom je op collegestpaul. 8 Where’s the river Nile? Vraagwoorden + be Starter Module A-E A Vul het juiste vraagwoord in. Kies uit where, when, what of who.Schrijf vervolgens jouw antwoorden op. There is a computer. Home Teachers Page WRTS Niveau Grammatica Thema's Oefenexamens video lessen Enquete leesvaardigheid Powered by Create your own unique.

I want you to know that I am here to work with you. We are very close to the end of the semester, and I would really hate to see you not complete the course because of new coronavirus measures. Please let me know if there is any way I can help if you are struggling. We should be heartened that there has been progress made with vaccines, and I would love it if you emerged from this crisis well on your way to completing your degree despite the challenges we’ve been presented with this year.

Please contact me if you need to catch up on assignments or if you are confused about the upcoming work. I’ve also scaled back the reading a bit to help with the work load.

Week 10 reflectionguided reading 101 reading

Don’t forget to review the second paper assignment.

Week 10 Reflectionguided Reading 101 Lesson

Completed Work

  • Part 1:
    • Read: They Say/I Say, “Chapter 6: Planting a Naysayer in Your Text”
    • Watch: Screencast
  • Part 2:
    • Listen: Ways of Hearing, “Episode 5: Power”
    • Respond: Blog post #7

Week 10 Reflectionguided Reading 101 Answers

Upcoming Work

Week 10 Reflectionguided Reading 101 Dalmatians

  • Read:The Souls of Black Folk, “The Sorrow Songs,” by W.E.B. DuBois
  • Listen: Du Bois “Sorrow Songs” playlist
  • Respond: Blog Post #8

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