World War Onemr Volkmar's Course Pages

The Causes of World War One


Mr. Bar

Central Powers --Archduke Franz Ferdinand-- worldwide conflict -- Allied Powers

World war one mr volkmar

World War Oneleft 9,906,000 soldiers dead, 21,219,000 soldiers wounded and millions of soldiers missing. It was a ____________________between the _________________ of France, Russia, Britain, Canada, Italy and the United States versus the ____________________________CentralPowers of Germany, Austria Hungary and the Turkish Ottoman Empire. There are four basiccauses of the war, widespread Militarism and economic Imperialism, Nationalismand The Alliance System. All that was needed was a spark; the assassination of _______________________.

Widespread militarism was an important cause of World War One. Aristocrats,dictators and military elites had too much control over Russia, Germany and Austria and the war was a consequence of their desire for military power. Britain’s Royal Navy was stronger than both Germany and Austria Hungary’s Navy combined in terms of theamount of personnel, ships and carrying capacity.

World War One Mr Volkmar's Course Pages Page

territory-- economic imperialism -- foreign colonies-- competition

The nextcause of World War One is ____________________. Great Britain and France maintained their economies through their control andtrade with _________________. Germany and Austria Hungary barely had any foreign coloniesand their domestic resources were rapidly exhausting. In order to maintaintheir domestic economy, they had to look for more resources and the only waythey could achieve that goal was to expand their __________________. Germany could not find other colonies because there were fewcolonies left worth settling into. France and Great Britain had most of Africa and Southern Asia such as India under their control. The ________________forexpanding markets to sustain their domestic economies was as a result thesecond cause of World War One.

comply -- Allied Powers --Gavrilo Princip --the Black Hand-- declared

The spark for WorldWar One was that on June 28, 1914, _____________________, a Bosnian Serbstudent, shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to theAustro-Hungarian throne and her wife. Princip was part of the group called __________________,who wanted Serbia to be independent from Austria Hungary.Austria Hungary wanted Serbia to punish those who were responsible forthe assassination and when Serbia failed to ___________, Austria Hungary _____________waron Serbia. Since Serbia was an ally to the_________________, theAllied Powers declared war on Austria Hungary which meant a declaration of waragainst the Central Powers. Ferdinand’s assassination acted as a chain reactionthat led to both alliances declaring war on each other.

Therefore, the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused a ripple effect thatincluded Empires and colonies from around the world. These countries were tiedtogether economically and politically, and were just waiting for an excuse totry out their military might. This war was truly the first global conflict, a “GreatWar”.

1.Why did Germany want to expand it’s borders?

  1. Here you can see the major part of the project - the summaries. Each summary consisted of 2-3 sentences that gave the high points of the topic. There were three from the Imperialism half of the unit and another three from the World War One half of the unit. We arranged the photos so that they could be 'flapped' up and the summaries under the.
  2. Standard World History: (scroll down for other courses). World War One The Cold War The Russian Revolution Independence in the Developing World The West between the Wars Life during the Cold War Nationalism around the World A New Era Begins.

Volkmar's Weebly pages!:) I am looking forward to a great semester together. My email is: For my current students in fall of 2020, please join my class: 2nd period join code: @ 7fcbe49 3rd period join code: @3f4b72 4th period join code: @ 4389b8. Nearly half of Mr. Mc-Carthy's book is devoted to Algeria where Camus (a pied noir or native French-Algerian) was born into a working-class family in 1913, and where he lived until the outbreak of.

2.What twoparagraphs are missing from this essay?

3.Write oneparagraph that fits in with the essay. Type it up and we will insert ittomorrow.

With the centenary commemorations of WW1 beginning this year, it was decided that the regular Year 7 visit to the Opal Coast would have a bigger focus on World War One. To help the students gain some understanding about World War One, Mr Woodhead and Miss Adams launched an ILT(B) for Year 7 to research their own family's role during the Great War. The response has been absolutely extraordinary - almost every student handed in some ILT and we now have the details of at least 137 local men and women who were involved with the war effort.

Because of the excellent work of our students, we have decided to create a permanent memorial to those people connected with Dene Magna who fought in World War One. This website forms part of the memorial, but we also anticipate being able to bury the original copies of students work in a time capsule for later generations to discover.

World War One Mr Volkmar's Course Pages Online

Please click on the link below to view the information that the students have been able to collect. There is also a link to each student's portfolio of work.

If you are interested in finding out more about the involvement of the men and women of the Forest of Dean in the First World War, please visit our friends at the Forest of Dean Local History Society.

Financial barriers can put an end to many students’ dreams of attending university. Scholarships can make their dreams a reality. Aurora’s Indigenous Scholarships Portal connects students to scholarships. Aboriginal program officer scholarships and sponsorship. Indspire Bursaries and Scholarships are available for Indigenous students across Canada. There are awards for all areas of study, from trades to health careers. Indigenous Services Canada has as Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool. You can search for bursaries by keyword, location, program of study, or Indigenous. Our Aboriginal Scholarship program is designed around three main objectives:. To encourage Aboriginal students to pursue and complete post secondary education. To increase the number of Aboriginal.

These are some examples of the ILT that Year 7 handed in:

World War One Mr Volkmar's Course Pages Pdf

Josh Rolfe

Brandon Tolputt

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